Missouri Learning Standards Build-A-Lesson
English Language Arts ELA
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Social Studies Social Studies
Kindergarden K
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Second Grade 2nd
Third Grade 3rd
Fourth Grade 4th
Fifth Grade 5th
Sixth Grade 6th
Seventh Grade 7th
Eighth Grade 8th
Ninth Grade 9th
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MO.L. Language L.1. Communicate using conventions of English language. L.1.A. Grammar In speech and written form, apply standard English grammar to: K.L.1.A.a. Identify naming words (nouns) and action words (verbs)
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Nouns
K.L.1.A.b. Use plural words when speaking
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Nouns
K.L.1.A.e. Use question words in sentences
L.1.B. Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling In written text: K.L.1.B.b. Recognize that a sentence ends with punctuation marks
K.L.1.B.d. Capitalize first word in a sentence
K.L.1.B.e. Capitalize the pronoun I
K.L.1.B.f. Write and name the printed letters that match the sound
K.L.1.B.g. Use inventive spelling with beginning, final, and medial sounds
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Spelling
K.L.1.B.h. Write and name letters for consonant and vowel sounds
MO.R. Reading R.1. Develop and apply skills to the reading process. R.1.A. Comprehension With assistance, develop and demonstrate reading skills in response to read alouds by: K.R.1.A.a. Predicting what might happen next in a text based on the cover, title, and illustrations
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Predictions
K.R.1.A.b. Asking and responding to questions about texts read aloud
K.R.1.A.c. Retelling main ideas or important facts from a read aloud or familiar story
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Main Idea
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Story Retell
K.R.1.A.e. Recognizing beginning, middle, and end
R.1.B. Vocabulary With assistance, develop an understanding of vocabulary by: K.R.1.B.a. Identifying and sorting pictures of objects into conceptual categories
K.R.1.B.e. Using words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to and responding to texts
R.1.C. Making Connections With assistance, determine the connection between: K.R.1.C.a. Text to self (text ideas and own experiences)
K.R.1.C.b. Text to text (text ideas including similarities and differences in fiction and nonfiction)
R.1.D. Independent Text Read independently for sustained periods of time by: K.R.1.D.a. Engaging with text as developmentally appropriate
R.2. Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate fiction, poetry and drama from a variety of cultures and times. R.2.A. Fiction With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions to: K.R.2.A.a. Identify elements of a story, including setting, character, and key events
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Settings
K.R.2.A.b. Retell a main event from a story read aloud and familiar stories
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Story Retell
K.R.2.A.d. Recognize different types of texts
K.R.2.A.e. Name author and illustrator of a story and describe how each is telling the story
K.R.2.A.f. Compare and contrast adventures of characters in familiar stories
K.R.2.A.g. Ask and answer questions about unknown words in text
R.2.B. Poetry With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions to: K.R.2.B.a. Respond to rhythm and rhyme through identifying a regular beat and similarities in word sounds
R.3. Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (e.g., narrative, information/explanatory, opinion, persuasive, argumentative) from a variety of cultures and times. R.3.A. Text Features With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions to: K.R.3.A.a. Identify the topic and details in an expository text heard and/or read referring to the words and/or illustrations
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Main Idea
K.R.3.A.b. Use titles and illustrations to make predictions about text
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Predictions
R.3.C. Text Structures With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions to: K.R.3.C.a. Ask and answer questions to clarify meaning
K.R.3.C.b. Identify basic similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic
K.R.3.C.c. Name the main topic and recall key details of the text
Quiz, Flash Cards, Worksheet, Game & Study Guide Main Idea
K.R.3.C.d. Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text
MO.RF. Reading Foundations RF.1. Understand how English is written and read (Start of Reading Foundations). RF.1.A. Print Awareness Develop print awareness in the reading process by: K.RF.1.A.a. Identifying all upper and lower case letters
K.RF.1.A.b. Sequencing the letters of the alphabet
K.RF.1.A.c. Demonstrating that books are read left to right, top to bottom
RF.2. Understand how English is written and read. RF.2.A. Phonemic Awareness Develop phonemic awareness in the reading process by: K.RF.2.A.a. Identifying sounds in spoken words
K.RF.2.A.b. Producing rhymes in response to spoken words
K.RF.2.A.c. Distinguishing orally presented rhyming pairs of words from non-rhyming pairs
K.RF.2.A.e. Blending spoken onsets and rimes to form simple words
K.RF.2.A.g. Isolating the initial, medial and final sounds in spoken words
K.RF.2.A.h. Segmenting spoken words into 2 or 3 phonemes
RF.3. Understand how English is written and read. RF.3.A. Phonics Develop phonics in the reading process by: K.RF.3.A.a. Producing and writing letter(s) for most short vowel and consonant sounds
K.RF.3.A.b. Reading high frequency words
MO.SL. Speaking/Listening SL.3. Speak effectively in collaborative discussions. SL.3.A. Collaborative Discussions Speak clearly using conventions of language when presenting individually or with a group by: K.SL.3.A.c. Confirming comprehension by retelling information and asking appropriate questions based on read-alouds or other media
MO.W. Writing W.1. Apply a writing process to develop a text for audience and purpose. W.1.B. Draft Appropriate to genre type, develop a draft from prewriting by: K.W.1.B.a. Sequencing the actions or details through letters, words, and pictures
W.2. Compose well-developed writing texts for audience and purpose. W.2.C. Narrative/Literary With assistance, draw and/or write fiction or non-fiction narratives and poems that: K.W.2.C.c. Place events in the order they occurred
K.W.2.C.e. Provide a reaction to what happened in the events