Timelines, Graphs, Charts

Social Studies, Grade 5

Timelines, Graphs, Charts

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Timelines, Graphs, Charts

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Timelines, Graphs, Charts


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Timelines, Graphs, Charts


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Timelines, Graphs, Charts


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Study Guide Timelines, Graphs, Charts Social Studies, Grade 5

TIME LINES, GRAPHS, CHARTS, AND DIAGRAMS What are Time Lines, Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams? Time Lines, Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams are graphics that provide information to the reader and are used to add to the words used in documents so the reader can understand the information. Time Lines Read them from left to right. Realize that they are organized chronologically. The dates are in real-life order. You may need to use Math skills to figure out the answers to questions. Read all the labels and all the dates to answer the questions. Understand that the events on the left side happened first in history, while the events on the right happened most recently. Charts Read each heading carefully. Notice if the information is presented in a particular order, like alphabetically. Look for any boldface print or capital letters. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.