Math in Science - 3rd grade

Science, Grade 3

Math in Science - 3rd grade

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Math in Science - 3rd grade


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Math in Science - 3rd grade


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Math in Science - 3rd grade


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Study Guide Math in Science - 3rd grade Science, Grade 3

MATH IN SCIENCE Numbers, measuring, making graphs, calculating, adding, subtracting, and more…there is a lot of Math involved in Science. Whether you are studying plants, animals, or the solar system, you will use Math procedures during your investigations and data recording. Let’s look at some examples of using Math in Science: When Studying Plants If you are conducting an experiment with two plants and you plan to compare the growth of each plant in centimeters you’ll be doing Math! You will have to measure both plants with a ruler and see which number is larger, in centimeters. You might measure plant stems, roots, or leaves for comparison in another investigation as well. You will also use graphs when recording your results and data. In the case of the experiment mentioned above, you could make a line graph and record the growth of each plant per day. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
When Investigating Animals Let’s say you want to investigate which animal has the longest life span. You might make a bar graph to compare the life spans of several long living animals to easily see which animal lives the longest. When Studying Relationships Among Living Things When comparing animal populations in a community, you might make a bar graph of certain predators and their prey (such as foxes and rabbits) to note the differences between the populations of the two. Graphs often make information easy to read and to understand. When Checking Out the Weather Measurements, graphs, and several calculations will be used when studying the weather as well! When you are comparing the amount of rainfall between cities, measuring the amount of snowfall at your school, comparing the average temperatures during each month of the year, or figuring out how many trees were left standing after a major hurricane—you are using math each time! When Inspecting Rocks, Minerals, and Soil You will work with numbers, measuring, graphing, and even more math procedures when studying the effects of weather on soil as well. For instance, you might want to investigate how many centimeters of soil erode from a coastline in a three year time period. When Studying Changes on Earth Numbers are certainly important when it comes to studying earthquakes. Numbers are ranked on a Richter Scale to determine the strength of an earthquake. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
When Keeping Track of Recycling You would need to measure the weight of different objects in science as well, such as measuring how many kilograms of glass your school recycled in one year. When Investigating Matter and Its Properties You can measure matter as well as measure how long it takes for matter to change states, such as measuring the time it takes for an ice cube to change from a solid to a liquid…then from a liquid to a gas. When Observing Forces, Motion, and How Things Move You will also find that you use numbers and math procedures when studying different forces and objects in motion. You might measure the distance it takes for one object to move from one place to another and you might then chart your results and findings on a graph. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
When Dealing with Simple Machines Numbers and measuring also are used when comparing the benefits of using simple machines. For example, you might compare the difference in centimeters and meters when raising a heavy box with your hands and arms with raising the same box with a pulley. When Testing Sounds Sound is measured in decibels. You can make a chart or graph comparing different sounds and the decibels each sound measures for comparison. When Investigating Earth and the Rest of the Solar System You will especially use Math when investigating, observing, and studying the Earth and the rest of the solar system. Measurements, distances, calculations studying the solar system involves it all, such as when you are figuring out how far the Earth and all the other planets are from the Sun in kilometers or figuring out which season in the Northern Hemisphere has the most hours of daylight. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at