Fossils and dinosaurs

Science, Grade 2

Fossils and dinosaurs

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Fossils and dinosaurs


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Fossils and dinosaurs


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Fossils and dinosaurs


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Study Guide Fossils and dinosaurs Science, Grade 2

FOSSILS AND DINOSAURS Learning About the Past Many animals have lived on Earth and many still live on the Earth. Some lived on Earth millions of year ago. Many of these animals unfortunately do not live on Earth anymore. Many animals have become extinct over millions of years. Extinct means all the animals of that kind no longer live on Earth. Dinosaurs are animals that are extinct. Dinosaurs used to live on Earth but they do not live on Earth anymore. Let’s check what we have learned so far: What does the word extinct mean? What are Fossils? Fossils are things that provide evidence (or proof) of things that lived long ago. A fossil is the outline or piece of something that died millions of years ago. Some fossil examples are the outline of a fish in a rock, or a footprint of a dinosaur in a piece of preserved Earth, or the skull of an ancient ape. There are animal fossils and plant fossils. Not all living organisms become fossils. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Fossils show us what animals from millions of years ago looked like. By looking at fossils, scientists can see how animals have changed over time. Fossils give clues to what the Earth was like millions of years ago. Fossils can also give us clues to when certain animals lived on Earth according to the layer of rock in which the fossils are found. Fossils buried deeper are older than the fossils found above them. Paleontologists are scientists who observe, examine, and study fossils in order to find out about the past. Let’s check what we have learned so far: What is a fossil? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Where are Fossils Found? Scientists can figure out where organisms once lived by where they find its fossil. Some fossils form in rock. Fossils can be found in different layers of rock. Scientists can tell how old a fossil is by the layer of rock in which they find it. Fossils also are found in hardened sap called amber. Insect fossils found in amber tell scientists about the types of insects that lived many, many years ago on Earth. Let’s check what we have learned so far: Where are fossils found? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Dinosaurs ROAR! Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that lived on Earth millions of years ago. Dinosaurs lived in different areas and during different time periods. There were MANY different types of dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs were very large in size. Some dinosaurs were small though! Dinosaurs lived their entire life on land. Dinosaurs had different body parts that made it easier for them to eat. Dinosaurs had strong skeletons that could support their bodies. Brachiosaurus had very long necks which they used to reach leaves on very tall trees. Let’s check what we have learned so far: When did dinosaurs live on Earth? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at