Equivalent Fractions

Mathematics, Grade 5

Equivalent Fractions

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Equivalent Fractions

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Equivalent Fractions


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Equivalent Fractions


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Equivalent Fractions


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Study Guide Equivalent Fractions Mathematics, Grade 5

EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS What Are Equivalent Fractions? Equivalent fractions are fractions that have EQUAL value. Example of equivalent fractions: 1/2 = 2/4 You can determine equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by the SAME number. 2 numerator --- 3 denominator When determining equivalent fractions it is important to remember… whatever you do to the NUMERATOR you MUST do to the DENOMINATOR! Example: If you multiply the numerator of a fraction by 2, you MUST multiply the denominator by 2 as well. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
EXAMPLES OF EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS: 1/2 = 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, 6/12, 7/14, 8/16… 1/3 = 2/6, 3/9, 4/12, 5/15, 6/18, 7/21, 8/24… 1/4 = 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20, 6/24, 7/28, 8/32… 1/5 = 2/10, 3/15, 4/20, 5/25, 6/30, 7/35, 8/40… Using MULTIPLICATION to determine equivalent fractions: 2 8 2 x 4 8 --- = --- --- = --- 3 12 3 x 4 12 Using DIVISION to determine equivalent fractions: 6 1 6 ÷ 6 1 --- = --- --- = --- 18 3 18 ÷ 6 3 © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.