Words with /k/

English Language Arts, Grade 2

Words with /k/

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Words with /k/

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Words with /k/


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Words with /k/


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Words with /k/


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Study Guide Words with /k/ English Language Arts, Grade 2

WORDS WITH /K/ What are the sounds of k? The letter k is the sound you hear when you say kiss, kid, and kind. Many words begin or end with the letter k. But the sound of /k/ is written in some different ways. When the letter c has a hard sound it sounds like k. Look at these words: can, carry, cap, cone, cot, couch, cup, cut, cute. When the letter c is followed by a, o, or u, it has the hard sound. Sometimes ck comes together in a word and makes one sound. Together they sound like k. Look at these words: back, neck, trick, clock, duck, pickle, nickel There are some blends that have the k sound. Look: clay, cry, crayon Try this! Which word has a hard c sound like /k/ in kiss? cinder, come, fancy Which word rhymes with Jack? Jill, bunch, quack Which word is spelled correctly? crawl, krall, krawl © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.