Data Analysis

Mathematics - Fifth Grade

Data Analysis

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Data Analysis


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Data Analysis

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Data Analysis


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Data Analysis


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Data Analysis

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Collecting & Displaying Data

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Collecting & Displaying Data

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Study Guide Data Analysis

DATA ANALYSIS Collecting Data Data = information You can collect data (information) from other people using polls and surveys. Polls A poll is used to express public opinion about something. A poll asks the opinion of a random or a selected group of people regarding a specific subject. Example 1: When the United States has an election, the government takes a POLL of which candidates the voters want to elect. Voters answer the poll by selecting the candidates they want to elect at a polling station on Election Day. The results of the poll indicate which candidates might win their election race. Example 2: Polls can be used for much simpler things too, such as finding out which ice cream flavor is preferred most by the students in your grade or school. You can walk around school asking people what their favorite flavor of ice cream is: vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. After you collect all your data, you will know which flavor is favored most in your grade or school. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Surveys A survey is also used to express the opinion of a selected or random group of people. Surveys usually involve a question or set of questions written about specific content. Example: You can take a survey about the families of the students in your class. Survey questions could include questions such as: How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? Are you the oldest sibling? Are you the youngest sibling? Recording Data You can record the numerical data you collected on a chart or graph. Charts and graphs you can use to record your data: bar graphs pictographs line graphs pie charts column charts Try This! Let’s say your 5th Grade Presidential Poll revealed: Tom received 13 votes. John received 17 votes. Mary received 20 votes. Amy received 10 votes. Draw a bar graph below that shows how many votes each person got. Congratulations to Mary for being voted 5th Grade Class President! © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at