Contributions of Ancient Civilizations

Social Studies - Third Grade

Contributions of Ancient Civilizations

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Contributions of Ancient Civilizations


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Contributions of Ancient Civilizations

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Contributions of Ancient Civilizations


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Contributions of Ancient Civilizations


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Study Guide Contributions of Ancient Civilizations

CONTRIBUTIONS OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS What are some contributions of Ancient Civilizations? Mesopotamia - In the Middle East, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers is the earliest known civilization. The cities of Sumeria and Babylon were here. Farmers used irrigation to water crops and animals. They baked bricks of clay. They developed a form of writing using a sharpened reed to inscribe pictures on clay tablets. Their laws were preserved on clay tablets. They carved the first maps with Babylon as the center of the world. They made the first vehicles with wooden wheels, the first iron sword and helmets. Egypt - About 5000 BC, Egypt was ruled by pharaohs who had the Pyramids built for their tombs. Egyptians invented a system of writing called hieroglyphics. They made ink and pens. They wrote on a type of paper called papyrus. They invented a calendar based on the seasons with 12 months of 30 days. They used splints and casts to set broken bones. They made the first sailboats. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Greece - Between 800 and 400 BC, city states such as Athens and Sparta shared the same culture. The Hippocratic Oath gave special rules for physicians and is still in use today. Citizens of Athens took part in a direct democracy where government is run by the citizens. Every year 500 men were chosen by drawing names. Our word for school comes from the Greek word schole. Athens was the first to open organized schools. The first encyclopedias were written to help students get a good education. Our word for alphabet comes from alpha and beta the first two letters of the Greek alphabet. The Greeks added the vowels, a, e, i, o, u to make the alphabet more useful. Our word gymnasium comes from gymnasia, which was a place for sports and learning. Greek literature was first to put on plays about drama, comedy, poetry and history in theatres. Greek architecture has influenced many government buildings in the U.S. The Greeks were the first to draw large land maps and maps of the stars. They started the Olympic Games and a race called the marathon. Rome - 100 B.C. Romans developed use of concrete which could be poured into any shape. They developed the first paved roads. Romans borrowed the Greek alphabet and passed it on to us. They preserved and protected the literature and science of Greece. The early government of Rome was a republic. This is the model for our U.S. Constitution. They opened the first public schools paid for by the government. Romans were the first to celebrate Christmas and Easter. Roman numerals (I, V, X, L, C, D, M) Romans invented pants, socks, umbrellas. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Our word people comes from the Latin word populus Our word rural comes from ruralis which means open land. China - invented locks which raised and lowered water levels in canals. They designed the first magnetic compass. Try this! Look on a globe and find the locations of each of these early civilizations. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at