Colonial Life

Social Studies - Seventh Grade

Colonial Life

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Colonial Life


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Colonial Life

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Colonial Life


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Colonial Life


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Study Guide Colonial Life

COLONIAL LIFE What do you know about Colonial Life? Life in the new colonies was often challenging. While the settlers were free from the restrictions of life in European society, they also did not have the amenities of European life in the 1600s. Getting used to the new environments in which they settled was trying, but each colony worked hard to establish a bearable and even in some ways a comfortable environment. Although the colonists were innovative and began to think of new ways of manufacturing goods, the British government did not encourage this. Instead, King George demanded that they buy their goods from British manufacturers. The settlements and colonies had to address the issue of taxes and other laws imposed by their British rulers in Europe. While many colonists revolted against these laws, many succumbed to them in order to keep their newly found freedom. Revolts such as the Boston Tea Party took place in reaction to these laws. Many families in the colonies worked on a small farm. The roles of society in colonial America were clearly defined. Men were the decision-makers, and women were in a supporting role. Most children were enrolled in schools created by the communities, and families worked together to create the food and share the work of a community. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
As these communities grew and thrived, the question of self-directed growth and local governance was raised frequently. The King and his Court were far, far away and knew little of the struggles of these settlers. Early colonists began to create town governments to meet the needs of the communities. Town meetings were held to raise money for local entities and to make decisions about their settlements separate from the British government. These actions began to create a culture of independence that grew, gradually at first, to become a revolution for independence from the British Empire. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at