Chemical and physical changes of matter

Science - Fifth Grade

All About Matter

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All About Matter


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Solids, Liquids and Gases


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Changes in Matter


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Chemical and physical changes of matter

Study Guide

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Chemical and physical changes of matter


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Chemical and physical changes of matter

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Chemical and physical changes of matter


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Chemical and physical changes of matter


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Chemical and physical changes of matter

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Study Guide Chemical and physical changes of matter

CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHANGES OF MATTER Chemical Changes A chemical change is a change in which one kind of substance is changed into a different kind of substance. Chemical changes produce substances that were not there when you started. You can’t reverse or undo a chemical change. For example, burning a log is an example of a chemical change: once you burn a log, you can’t “unburn” it or reconstruct it from its ashes. Examples of chemical changes include: 1. rusting metal 2. digesting food 3. spoiled food Chemical Change Examples Chemical Change Event Substance/Item Before chemical change Substance/Item After chemical change car rusting steel rust burning paper paper ash frying an egg raw egg cooked egg Possible Signs a Chemical Change Has Taken Place: a change in color a change in the substance’s temperature light is given off a gas is produced a change in smell a change in taste (Warning: do not taste anything during a science experiment.) Lesson Checkpoint: What is a chemical change? Give one example of a chemical change. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Physical Changes A physical change is when matter undergoes a change that does not affect its physical make up. Physical changes involve an object’s physical properties such as size, shape, color, and weight. The substance or object involved is the same before and after the change (unlike a chemical change). The change is not permanent and can be undone. Examples of physical changes: 1. an ice cube melting 2. a piece of paper cut into two pieces 3. a crushed can Physical Changes Physical Change Event Substance/Item Before physical change Substance/Item After physical change grass being mowed grass grass glass broken glass glass butter being melted butter butter Signs a Physical Change Has Taken Place: change of shape change of state (solid, liquid, or gas) change in size change in any other physical property Lesson Checkpoint: What is a physical change? Give one example of a physical change. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Physical VS Chemical Changes: Which Is Which? Physical Changes Chemical Changes A paper towel is ripped in half. Milk goes sour. A ball of clay is molded into a square. A silver ring tarnishes. A stick is snapped in half. Bread is toasted. Stirring cake batter. Dead leaves and grass clippings turn into compost. Chemical Reactions Keep in mind: all matter is made of atoms, which may combine to form molecules A chemical reaction is when one or more substances change into different substances that have different chemical and physical properties. During chemical reactions, the atoms in the reactants rearrange to form products with different properties. For example, hydrogen can combine with oxygen to form water. Another example: vinegar + baking soda = carbon dioxide Words to know when dealing with chemical reactions: A reactant is a substance used in a chemical reaction. The product is a substance made during a chemical reaction. A chemical equation: reactant + reactant = product Lesson Checkpoint: What is a chemical reaction? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Types of Chemical Reactions: 1. Decomposition reaction is the process of a complex substance being split up into simpler substances. General formula to explain a decomposition reaction: AB A + B 2. Synthesis reaction is the process of two or more simple substances combining to form a more complex one. General formula for a synthesis reaction: A + B = AB Decomposition and synthesis reactions are opposites. 3. Combustion reaction is when all substances in a compound are combined with oxygen, which then produces carbon dioxide and water. So the equation for a combustion reaction is A + B + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water Because the product of combustion is ALWAYS water and carbon dioxide. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at

Table Of Contents: All About Matter

1. Lesson Objectives

2.1. All About Matter

2. Engage

3.1. Describing Matter
3.2. Characteristics of Matter
3.3. Not all Matter can be Seen

3. Explore

4.1. How Heavy?
4.2. Sink or Float?

4. Explain

5.1. What is Matter?
Everything that you see, smell or touch around you is matter. Even many things that you cannot see, smell, or touch are matter. Living and nonliving things are made of matter, including our clothing, the food we eat, and even the air that we breathe.
5.2. Describing Matter
Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. The amount of matter in an object is its mass. Air is matter that you can't see, yet it still takes up space. You can observe this as you blow up a balloon; the air takes up space making the balloon bigger.
5.3. Properties of Matter
Matter can have several different properties. A property is a feature, trait or characteristic and is used to describe an object. For example, two properties that describe a marshmallow are that it's soft and white. While we can use our senses to identify many physical properties of matter, some properties are measurable.
5.4. Properties of Matter Essay
5.5. Properties of Matter - Use your Senses
Physical properties that can be identified with your senses include color, odor, shape, hardness, and texture. For example, you can smell the odor of a rose, observe its color and shape, and feel its texture.
5.6. Properties that Can be Measured
Physical properties that can be measured include mass, volume, density, temperature, and attraction to magnets. Each is measured with a different tool. Scientists use the metric system when measuring matter.
5.7. Sorting Physical Properties of Matter
5.8. Measuring Mass
Mass is the amount of matter in an object. A balance is used to measure mass in metric units of grams or kilograms. For example, to find the mass of a rock, you place it on one side of the balance and the gram cubes on the other side. When the two sides balance each other, the mass of the rock equals the mass of the number of gram cubes on the balance.
5.9. Measuring Volume of a Liquid
Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. There are several tools that can be used to measure volume, such as measuring cups, graduated cylinders, and beakers. The units of measure are milliliters or liters. For example, to measure 50 mL of water, we pour it into a cylinder, until it reaches the 50 mL point marked on the side.
5.10. Finding the Volume of a Solid Object
A graduated cylinder can also be used to measure the volume of solid objects, such as a rock. Fill a cylinder to about the half-way mark with water and read the number on the side. Place the rock in the cylinder and read the water level again. Now, subtract the old reading from the new reading and you have just measured the volume of the rock.
5.11. Measuring Density
Did you ever wonder why some small objects weigh more than larger objects? It depends on their density. Density is a measure of how much matter fits into a certain amount of space. To find out the density of an object divide its mass by its volume. Which do you think has a greater density- a bowling ball or a basketball? If you guessed the bowling ball, you're correct!
5.12. Buoyancy and Density
Buoyancy is a property that demonstrates whether an object is more or less dense than water. Density and buoyancy are closely related. An object will float in water (have buoyancy) if it's less dense than water and sink if it's more dense.
5.13. Measuring Temperature
Temperature is a measure of the hotness or coldness of an object. A thermometer is used to measure temperature in metric units of degrees Celsius (ºC). A thermometer shows the temperature by the up or down movement of a colored liquid inside the thermometer. As an object heats up, the liquid moves up showing a higher temperature. What do you think happens when the liquid moves downward? Is the temperature getting warmer or cooler? You're correct if you answered that it's getting cooler!
5.14. Tools for Measuring Matter
5.15. Attraction to Magnets
Attraction to magnets is also a physical property of matter. Certain objects that contain the metal iron are attracted to magnets. Such objects are magnetic. They include keys, metal paper clips, and iron nails. Magnets do not attract non-magnetic objects made of plastic, wood, or paper.
5.16. Which are magnetic?
5.17. States of Matter
The three states of matter are solid, liquid,and gas. Matter can change from one state to another through a change in temperature.
5.18. Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Solids keep their shape and always take up the same amount of space. Liquids can flow and change their shape depending on the container they are in. Gases, on the other hand, are often invisible and change their volume and shape to fill up the container they are in.
5.19. Solids, Liquids and Gases
5.20. State Changes in Water
When liquid water cools to 0ºC, it changes to solid water called ice. When liquid water heats to 100ºC, it boils and changes to water vapor. This process is called evaporation. Regardless of its state, it is still water.
5.21. Condensation - Gas to Liquid
Condensation is the opposite of evaporation. It takes place when water vapor (gas) cools and changes from vapor to liquid. If you've ever left a cold drink outside on a hot summer day, then you've already seen condensation. As the water vapor in the warm air touches the cold surface of the glass, it cools forming water droplets (liquid) on the glass.
5.22. Changes to Matter
There are two types of changes in matter - physical changes and chemical changes. Let's explore physical and chemical changes along with examples.
5.23. Physical Changes to Matter
A physical change to matter happens when matter changes size, shape, or form, but does not change the type of matter it is. For example, let's say you cut a piece of paper into smaller pieces. The original piece of paper has undergone a physical change; it has changed both shape and size, yet, it is still paper.
5.24. Chemical Changes to Matter
Chemical changes to matter happen when one type of matter changes into another type of matter. For example, the matter that you start with in a campfire is wood. As the wood burns, it undergoes a chemical change - turning into gases and ashes.
5.25. Changes in Matter
5.26. Mixtures
A mixture is a combination of two or more kinds of matter. Each kind of matter doesn't change in the mixture and keeps its own properties. An example of a mixture is a fruit salad with berries, watermelon pieces, and banana slices. The fruit is mixed together, but the berries, watermelon, and banana haven't changed into new kinds of fruit. Mixtures can be separated.
5.27. Solutions
A solution is a type of mixture in which matter is evenly mixed or combined. Lemonade is an example of a solution. It is a mixture of water, lemon juice, and sugar combined evenly into a drink. Once the parts of lemonade are combined together, they cannot be separated. This is one main difference between a mixture and a solution.
5.28. Mixtures and Solutions
5.29. All About Matter

5. Elaborate

6.1. Matter Measurements

6. Evaluate

7.1. All About Matter

7. Lesson Summary

8.1. All About Matter