Cells: The Basic Units of Life

Life Science - Middle School


Multimedia Lesson

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Discovering Cells


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Organization of Cells


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Specialized Cells


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Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

Virtual Lab

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Animal Cell


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Animal Cell


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Plant Cell


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Cells: The Basic Units of Life

Study Guide

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Cells: The Basic Units of Life


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Flash Cards

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Cells: The Basic Units of Life

Flash Cards

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Cells: The Basic Units of Life


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Cells: The Basic Units of Life


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Vocabulary List

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Cells: The Basic Units of Life

Vocabulary List

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Plant & Animal Cells

Flip Chart

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Discovering Cells

Flip Chart

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Animal Cell Organelles

Flip Chart

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Plant Cell Organelles

Flip Chart

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Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

Flip Chart

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Organization of Cells

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Specialized Cells

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Single-cell Organisms

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All About Cells Vocabulary Review

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Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

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Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

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Study Guide Cells: The Basic Units of Life

CELLS: THE BASIC UNITS OF STRUCTURE Discovering Cells For the majority of human history we have not been able to see things that are on a small scale. In the late 16th century, that all changed with the invention of the microscope. It wasn’t until almost 100 years after the invention of the microscope that Robert Hooke discovered and named the cell by looking at a thin slice of cork. The scientific community was very excited about the discovery of cells and advances in microscopy began to catch the attention of the world. Lesson Checkpoint: Who discovered and named the cell? A Series of Important Discoveries Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered single celled organisms which he appropriately named animalcules. Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plants were made up of cells and Theodor Schwann concluded that all animals were made up of cells. Both discoveries lead to the development of the cell theory. The Cell Theory The cell theory was developed in response to the discoveries of Schleiden and Schwann. The cell theory declares that: Cells are produced from other living cells All living organisms are made up of cells, and that Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Important Technologies The light microscope not only makes things look larger, but it also shows the object in detail. Without good magnification and sharp resolution, the light microscope would have been useless. Magnification is when an object is made to look bigger. Resolution is when an object is made to appear more clearly. An image that has sharp or high resolution is not blurry and details of the image are very clear. This is very important in scientific research. Electron Microscope The electron microscope was first developed in the 1930’s. An electron microscope uses a beam of incredibly small particles called electrons that bounce off of the object being magnified. The electron microscope made it possible for scientists to see very fine details at very high magnification. Cell Structure The cell is the basic building blocks of all living organisms. There are many structures within the cell. The structures within the cell are known as organelles, which are all of the structures within the cell that carry out specific functions. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
The cell’s organelles The cell wall is a rigid outer layer of plant cells and certain other living organisms. Inside the cell wall is a layer called the cell membrane, which is the outer layer of all animal cells. There are pores all over the cell membrane where materials are brought in and taken out of the cell. The cell membrane can be looked at as the gate keeper of the cell. The nucleus is the control center for all of the functions within the cell. The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane, which houses the nucleolus and the chromatin. The chromatin contains the genetic material that is used for directing the cell functions. The cytoplasm is a substance outside the nucleus where the cell's organelles are held. It is made almost entirely of water. The organelles that are located in the cytoplasm are: The chloroplast captures energy from the sun and converts it into food and is only found in plant cells. The endoplasmic reticulum is the transport system that takes different materials around the cell. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
The Golgi bodies direct the different materials made in the cell to where they need to go. The lysosomes break down food molecules and old cell parts to be used for energy production. The mitochondria is a rod-like structure that produces most of the energy that is used by the cell. The ribosome is an organelle that produces proteins. The vacuoles are used for storing materials from the cell. Plant and Animal Cell Differences Plant and animal cells are very similar with cellular structures, but vary in two major aspects. Plant cells contain chloroplasts that give the cells their green color. Chloroplasts are the organelles that capture energy from the sun and convert it into food and oxygen in a process known as photosynthesis. This process is the opposite of what animal cells use. Plant cells also have a rigid cell wall. In animal cells the mitochondria uses food and combines it with oxygen to produce energy and carbon dioxide. This process is known as aerobic respiration. Lesson Checkpoint: What are the two key differences between plant and animal cells? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.

Table Of Contents: Cells

1. Discovering Cells

2.1. Animal Cell
The cell is the basic building block of all living organisms. It is the smallest unit of an organism that can carry out the functions of life.
2.2. Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke was one of the first people to observe cells using his own compound microscope in 1663.
2.3. Cork Cells
To Hooke, the very thin slice of cork under the microscope appeared to be made up of little empty boxes, which he named cells.

2. Pause and Interact

3.1. Animal Cell
Animal cells contain many organelles, which are structures that carry out specific functions. Roll over different parts of this cell. Click on highlighted areas to activate a popup box that identifies the structure. The down arrow reveals additional information and the sound button plays the audio narration. Close the pop-up box by clicking the X. You can also use the onscreen forward and back arrows to reveal each pop-up information box.
3.2. Drag and Drop Animal Cell
Click on the Terms button. Then click and drag each term to the correct box. Use the reset button to clear the terms and start over. Use the gear button to customize the draggable terms.

3. Pause and Interact

4.1. Plant Cell
Plant cells contain many organelles, which are structures that carry out specific functions. Roll over different parts of this cell. Click on highlighted areas to activate a popup box that identifies the structure. The down arrow reveals additional information and the sound button plays the audio narration. Close the pop-up box by clicking the X. You can also use the onscreen forward and back arrows to reveal each pop-up information box.
4.2. Drag and Drop Plant Cell
Click on the Terms button. Then click and drag each term to the correct box. Use the reset button to clear the terms and start over. Use the gear button to customize the draggable terms.

4. Organization of Cells

5.1. One-Celled Organism-Amoeba
A one-celled organism, such as an amoeba, is able to perform all of its life functions by itself.
5.2. Cell Tissues
However in many-celled organisms, cells depend on each other and are organized into tissues that perform a specific job.
5.3. Organs and Organ Systems
These tissues are further organized into organs and organ systems that work together to keep an organism alive.

5. Pause and Interact

6.1. Graphic Organizer
Use the whiteboard tools to complete the Venn diagram about plant and animal cell characteristics.

6. Specialized Cells

7.1. Cell Types
The human body consists of trillions of cells, including some 200 different cell types that vary greatly in size, shape and function.
7.2. Cell Size
Sperm cells are the tiniest human cells, a few micrometers wide (1/12,000th of an inch); whereas the longest cells, the neurons that run from the tip of the big toe to the spinal cord, can be as long as several feet in an average adult!

7. Pause and Interact

8.1. Graphic Organizer
Use the whiteboard tools to complete the activity.

8. Vocabulary Review

9.1. Vocabulary Matching Review

9. Virtual Investigation

10.1. Comparing Plant and Animal Cells
In this investigation you will use a virtual microscope to view slides of cork cells, onion bulb epidermis cells, privet leaf cells and cheek cells. Using the microscope features, you will explore each slide specimen and observe the structure of each type of cell.

10. Assessment

11.1. Cells