Author's Purpose

English Language Arts - Seventh Grade

Author's Purpose

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Author's Purpose


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Author's Purpose

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Author's Purpose


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Author's Purpose


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Analyzing Effects of Time on Character & Plot

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Tracing the Author`s Claim for Informational Text

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Author`s Purpose & Point of View

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Author`s Purpose & Point of View

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Study Guide Author's Purpose

AUTHOR’S PURPOSE The Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. Some purposes for writing include: Inform Entertain Persuade Create a mood If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Try This! 1] You write a factual report about the inventions of Benjamin Franklin. What is the author's purpose? a] inform b] entertain c] persuade d] create a mood 2] The title of your piece is: The Vivid Colors of the Rainbow. What is the author's purpose? a] inform b] entertain c] persuade d] create a mood 3] The title of your piece is: Vote for Thomas Parks for Student Council. What is the author's purpose? a] inform b] entertain c] persuade d] create a mood © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at