Ancient Israel

Social Studies - Eighth Grade

Ancient Israel

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Ancient Israel


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Ancient Israel

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Ancient Israel


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Ancient Israel


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Study Guide Ancient Israel

ANCIENT ISRAEL: (2000 BC-70 AD) The history of Ancient Israel is documented in one of the world’s most widely read books: the Bible. This history is told through the lives of famous biblical characters as well as remains and inscriptions found in the Middle East. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the three founding patriarchs of Israel, settled in Canaan almost four thousand years ago. The people of Canaan were divided into tribes and were ruled by judges. Eventually, the Hebrews were forced to move from Canaan, many of whom became slaves. Years later, Moses, who delivered the Ten Commandments, led the Israelites back to the Land of Israel and in turn, to their freedom. A capital was established and temples were built by the Kings to celebrate. Over the next thousand years, many monarchies presided over Israel and its people. Throughout history, many Jews were banished from their homeland and were forced to start new communities in places other than Israel. Around 70 BC, the Romans took over Jerusalem and destroyed the temple, ending another era in Israel’s rich history. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at