All about sound and light

Science - Second Grade

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All About Energy


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All about sound and light

Study Guide

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All about sound and light


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All about sound and light

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All about sound and light


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All about sound and light


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All about sound and light

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Study Guide All about sound and light

SOUND AND LIGHT How is Sound Made? Sound is made because of something vibrating. Vibrate means to move back and forth really fast. Vibrations travel through the air and into your ear. You hear sounds when vibrating air causes your eardrum to vibrate. We use different parts of our ears to hear sounds. Let’s check what we have learned so far: What does vibrate mean? How Are Sounds Different? Some sounds are LOUD and others are quiet . © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Strong vibrations make loud sounds. Gentle vibrations make quieter sounds. Volume, when referring to sound, is how loud or quiet a sound is. Let’s check what we have learned so far: What vibrations make LOUD sounds? How Does Sound Travel? Vibrations caused by sound waves cause us to hear sounds. Sounds travel in waves. Sound waves are invisible. The farther sound waves travel, the quieter the sound becomes. Sound can travel through all matter. Let’s check what we have learned so far: Can we see sound waves? How Do People and Animals Make Sounds? You make sounds when you talk because your vocal chords vibrate when air passes through them. You know that animals make MANY different sounds: some chirp, some bark, some neigh, some say ‘oink oink’ and others ‘meow’! © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
LIGHT: What is Light? Light is also a form of energy. Light is energy that travels at very high speeds. When an object blocks light, a shadow is created. Let’s check what we have learned so far: What is light? Where Does Light Come From? Light is brightness that comes from an object such as a flashlight, a candle, the sun, or a lamp. The SUN is the Earth’s MAIN source of light! Light from the sun also heats the Earth. Sunlight causes plants to grow. The sun's energy is stored inside of the plants. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Light travels in a straight line. Light can bounce off of objects. For example, light can bounce off a mirror. Some objects are transparent, which means light passes all the way through them, and we can see where the light goes. An example of a transparent object is a window. Other objects are opaque, which means they block any light from going through them. An example of an opaque object is a brick wall. Let’s check what we have learned so far: What is our MAIN source of light here on Earth? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at