Thermal Energy

Science, Grade 3

Thermal Energy © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4382 Visit for Online Learning Resources. What makes heat? Have you ever wondered what makes something hot? All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. These particles within an object start to move as the temperature rises. The movement of these particles in matter produces thermal energy. Heat Transfer We feel the flow of thermal energy as heat. Heat naturally flows from a warmer object to a colder object. cool hand heat cool spoon hot mug Measuring Temperature Temperature is a measure of the hotness or coldness of an object. A thermometer is used to measure temperature in the metric unit degree Celsius (ºC). A thermometer shows the temperature by the up or down movement of a colored liquid inside the thermometer. atoms soup gets hot atoms move hot soup heat
© Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4382 Visit for Online Learning Resources. Pause & Review Draw a line to match each definition to the form of energy. Thermal Energy Chemical energy Light energy Sound energy Electrical energy Thermal energy Quantity Measurement Voltage E or V volt V Power P wattW Current amp A I R Resistance ohm Unit Symbol Unit of Measure Formula Abbreviation power (P) = voltage (V) x current (I) P = V x I 60 W a type of kinetic energy caused by a vibration that is sensed by the ear and can travel through solids, liquids, or gases the energy of moving particles (atoms) in matter; it flows from warmer objects to cooler objects, releasing heat a type of energy that comes from electric current and can be produced by both nonrenewable and renewable energy sources a type of kinetic energy that we can see and travels in waves the energy stored in the bonds that hold matter together; it is released in a reaction, often producing heat