Naming Covalent Compounds © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4843 Visit for Online Learning Resources. Covalent Formulas The molecular formula for a covalent compound can be derived from its name by writing the symbols for the first and second element and translating the prefixes into subscripts. For example, sulfur trioxide would be written as SO 3. Naming Covalent Compounds Covalent compounds are named in a similar manner to binary ionic compounds. (Binary compounds are compounds made up of only two elements). To name binary covalent compounds apply the following rules: Sulfur Trioxide Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Triiodide Carbon Tetrachloride SO 3 CO 2 NI 3 CCl 4 Sulfur Trioxide Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Triiodide Carbon Tetrachloride SO 3 CO 2 NI 3 CCl 4 Sulfur Trioxide Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Triiodide Carbon Tetrachloride SO 3 CO 2 NI 3 CCl 4 Sulfur Trioxide Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Triiodide Carbon Tetrachloride SO 3 CO 2 NI 3 CCl 4 Naming binary covalent compounds Name 1st nonmetal Name 2nd nonmetal, add ide ending 1 2 Use subscript to determine prex 3 CCl 4 Carbon Tetrachloride Mono- Di- Tri- Tetra- Penta- 1 2 3 4 5 Hexa- Hepta- Octa- Nona- Deca- 6 7 8 9 10 CCl 4 Carbon Tetrachloride Mono- Di- Tri- Tetra- Penta- 1 2 # of atoms Prex 3 4 5 Hexa- Hepta- Octa- Nona- Deca- 6 7 8 9 10 1) Name the first nonmetal using the element’s full name. 2) Name the second nonmetal element with an “-ide” ending as if it were an anion. 3) Indicate the number of atoms present (its subscript) of each element with the prefixes, “mono-”, “di-“, “tri-“ and so on. For example, the formula name for CCl 4, with one carbon, and four chlorine atoms is carbon tetrachloride.
Naming Covalent Compounds © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4843 Visit for Online Learning Resources. Pause and Review Name the following covalent compounds: 1) SO3 ________________________________________________________________ 2) SO2 ________________________________________________________________ 3) NO2 _______________________________________________________________ 4) CBr4 _______________________________________________________________ 5) NO ________________________________________________________________ 6) SiO2 _______________________________________________________________ 7) CO ________________________________________________________________ 8) ICl3 ________________________________________________________________ 9) NI3 ________________________________________________________________ 10) PBr5 _______________________________________________________________ Write the molecular formulas for the following covalent compounds: 1) Nitrogen Dioxide ___________________________________________________ 2) Sufur Hexafluoride _____________________________________________________ 3) Selenium Monoxide ____________________________________________________ 4) Phosphorus Trichloride _________________________________________________ 5) Carbon Tetrachloride ____________________________________________________