Producers 1. cattails 2. pond lilies 3. blueberries 4. phytoplankton 5. trees Primary Consumers 6. water boatman 7. muskrat 8. beaver 9. painted turtle 10. mallard duck Secondary Consumers 11. great blue heron 12. giant water bug 13. bullfrog 14. trout and perch (fish) 15. snapping turtle 16. merganser 17. otter 18. dragonfly 19. osprey 20. loon 21. raccoon Detritivores 22. crayfish 23. clams 24. invertebrate larvae Decomposers 25. bacteria 26. fungi dead and decomposing matter Amsel 4 1 2 3 5 8 17 6 11 14 14 7 10 12 15 13 18 19 9 16 20 21 26 25 24 23 22 Lake and Pond food web
94-4060 dead and decomposing matter Amsel 4 1 2 3 5 8 17 6 11 14 14 7 10 12 15 13 18 19 9 16 20 21 26 25 24 23 22 Producers 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ Primary Consumers 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________ 8. __________________________ 9. __________________________ 10. __________________________ Secondary Consumers 11. __________________________ 12. __________________________ 13. __________________________ 14. __________________________ 15. __________________________ 16. __________________________ 17. __________________________ 18. __________________________ 19. __________________________ 20. __________________________ 21. __________________________ Detritivores 22. __________________________ 23. __________________________ 24. __________________________ Decomposers 25. bacteria 26. fungi Lake and Pond food web