Ocean Ecology

Life Science - Middle School

Almost 3/4 of the Earth is covered by oceans (71%). They have significant ecological and economic importance to us. Ecologically, the oceans help moderate the Earth’s climate by absorbing heat from the sun in tropical regions and spreading it along the coastlines and other areas of the world with ocean currents driven by wind and planet rotation. The phytoplankton that coats the ocean’s surface absorbs our carbon dioxide waste and gives off life-giving oxygen. The ocean receives our sewage, farm and household waste. The oceans dilute the waste and slowly break it down, like a huge, natural sewage treatment plant. More than 250,000 species of animals and plants make their homes in the ocean, adding greatly to the Earth’s biodiversity and feeding millions of people every year. This is also one of the ocean’s economic roles, as thousands of people collect food from the sea to feed their families or make a living. The oceans provide coastal habitats like wetlands and mangroves that protect the coastlines from storm surges and tidal waves. We mine the oceans for minerals, drill for oil and gas, and harvest plants and animals for making medicines or to enjoy in our aquarium tanks. We swim, surf, dive, motor, sail and ski all over the oceans for recreation. We gain vast amounts of scientific knowledge by studying the ocean. Yet, our care of this vital resource does not reflect its great importance to us. We have overfished many areas of the ocean to the point where certain species are near extinction. Sewage, chemical waste and garbage flows into the ocean from many urban areas around the world down rivers and storm drains and off boats. Plastics have begun to pile up in the ocean, endangering wildlife and polluting our beaches and waterways. Ocean animals choke on, become entangled in, and are poisoned by ocean debris. Oil spills destroy ocean and coastal habitats and endanger wildlife. In 2009, the U.S. established an Ocean Policy Task Force to develop a recommendation for a national policy that ensures protection, maintenance, and restoration of oceans, our coasts and the Great Lakes. It will take an ongoing commitment through international agreements and laws to turn this trend around and protect our vital ocean resources. Ocean Ecology Amsel Amsel
94-4070 Almost 3/4 of the Earth is covered by oceans (71%). They have significant ecological and economic importance to us. Ecologically, the oceans help moderate the Earth’s _______________________ by absorbing heat from the sun in tropical regions and spreading it along the coastlines and other areas of the world with ocean currents driven by wind and planet rotation. The _______________________ that coats the ocean’s surface absorbs our carbon dioxide waste and gives off life-giving oxygen. The ocean receives our sewage, farm and household waste. The oceans dilute the waste and slowly break it down, like a huge, natural sewage treatment plant. More than _______________________ species of animals and plants make their homes in the ocean adding greatly to the Earth’s biodiversity and feeding millions of people every year. This is also one of the ocean’s economic roles, as thousand of people collect food from the sea to feed their families or make a living. The oceans provide coastal habitats like wetlands and mangroves that protect the coastlines from storm _______________________ and _______________________ waves. We mine the oceans for minerals, drill for oil and gas, and harvest plants and animals for making medicines or to enjoy in our aquarium tanks. We swim, surf, dive, motor, sail and ski all over the oceans for recreation. We gain vast amounts of scientific knowledge by studying the ocean. Yet, our care of this vital resource does not reflect its great importance to us. We have _______________________ many areas of the ocean to the point where certain species are near extinction. Sewage, chemical waste and garbage flows into the ocean from many urban areas around the world down rivers and storm drains and off boats. Plastics have begun to pile up in the ocean, endangering wildlife and polluting our beaches and waterways. Ocean animals choke on, become entangled in, and are poisoned by ocean debris. Oil spills destroy ocean and coastal habitats and endanger wildlife. It will take an ongoing commitment through international agreements and laws to turn this trend around and protect our vital ocean resources. Amsel Ocean Ecology