Mitosis - Cellular Reproduction

Life Science - Middle School

Mitosis Cell Growth DNA Replication Cytokinesis Preparation for Mitosis Interphase The Cell Cycle Cells reproduce by a process called cell division. The cell cycle is the sequence of stages of growth and division that a cell undergoes. The three stages of the cell cycle include interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. The chromatin condenses and spindle fibers form at each side of the cell. The nuclear membrane breaks apart. The spindle fiber splits the centromere and the chromatids move to opposite sides of the cell. Interphase is the first stage of the cell cycle and the period before cell division. During this phase, the cell matures, copies its DNA, and prepares to divide. daughter cells The chromosomes line up along the center of the cell and the spindle fibers attach to each chromosome at the centromere. Stages of Mitosis Interphase Anaphase Telophase & Cytokinesis Prophase Metaphase During Telophase the chromosomes loosen on each side and the nuclear membrane begins to form around the chromatin (strands of DNA). During Cytokinesis the cell membrane pinches in at the middle of the cell dividing the cell into two separate daughter cells. Each daughter cell gets half of the cell organelles and an identical set of chromosomes. Plant Cell Division plate forming © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4633 Mitosis-Cellular Reproduction chromatids chromatin centromere
\|xiBAHBDy01758lz[ Key Vocabulary Terms Anaphase Interphase cell plate Metaphase centromere nuclear membrane chromatid Prophase chromatin spindle fibers Cytokinesis Telophase daughter cells The cell cycle The Cell Cycle Cells reproduce by a process called ___________________. The __________ ________________ is the sequence of stages of growth and division that a cell undergoes. The three stages of the cell cycle include _________________, ____________________, and ____________________. The _________________ condenses and spindle fibers form at each side of the cell. The nuclear __________________ breaks apart. The spindle fiber splits the __________________ and the __________________ move to opposite sides of the cell. __________________ is the first stage of the cell cycle and the period before cell division. During this phase, the cell ________________ , copies its __________, and prepares to _______________ . The ____________________ line up along the _______________of the cell and the _______________ _______________ attach to each chromosome at the __________________ . Stages of Mitosis During _________________ the _________________ loosen on each side and the nuclear membrane begins to form around the _________________ (strands of DNA). During _________________ the cell membrane pinches in at the middle of the cell dividing the cell into two separate _______________ _________. Each daughter cell gets half of the cell organelles and an __________________ set of chromosomes. _______________________________ Plant Cell Division © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4633 Mitosis-Cellular Reproduction