Ecosystems & Biomes

Life Science - Middle School

Understanding Ecosystems and Biomes What Makes an Area on Earth Support a Certain Biome? The climate is the main factor affecting where the biomes are located. Specifically, the amount of rainfall and the temperature affect which plants grow in different areas on the planet. In turn, the plant species determine which animals can be supported there. The type of soil affects a biome to a lesser degree, but may still play a role. Study the map to see where the major nine biomes are located on Earth. The biomes can be broken down futher to include twelve types: Arctic Tundra Boreal Forest (Taiga) Temperate Deciduous Forest Temperate Grasslands Dry Woodlands and Shrublands (Chaparral) Desert Tropical Rainforest Tropical Deciduous Forest Tropical Scrubland Tropical Savanna Semidesert/Arid Grassland Polar Ice Mountains (found in each of the above) To understand how rainfall and temperature work together to create a biome, look at the biome location guide. deciduous forest coniferous forest (boreal forest) Polar Region HOT WET Biome Location Guide COLD Subpolar Temperate Tropical chaparral tundra grassland desert scrubland tropical seasonal forest savannah desert DRY rainforest World Biomes arctic chaparral desert forest (boreal) forest (deciduous) grasslands mountains rainforest tundra North America South America Africa Asia Europe Australia Antarctica
94-4011 rainforest deciduous forest tundra coniferous forest (boreal forest) Polar Region HOT WET Understanding Ecosystems and Biomes What Makes an Area on Earth Support a Certain Biome? The climate is the main factor affecting where the biomes are located. Specifically, the amount of ____________________ and the ____________________ affect which plants grow in different areas on the planet. In turn, the plant species determine which ____________________ can be supported there. The type of ________________ affects a biome to a lesser degree, but may still play a role. Study the map to see where the major nine biomes are located on Earth. The biomes can be broken down futher to include twelve types: Arctic _______________ _______________ Forest (Taiga) Temperate _____________________ Forest Temperate Grasslands Dry Woodlands & Shrublands (_______________) Desert Tropical _______________ Tropical Deciduous _______________ Tropical Scrubland Tropical Savanna Semidesert/Arid Grassland Polar Ice _______________ (found in each of the above) To understand how rainfall and temperature work together to create a biome, look at the biome location guide. World Biomes arctic chaparral desert forest (boreal) forest (deciduous) grasslands mountains rainforest tundra North America South America Africa Asia Europe Australia Antarctica Biome Location Guide COLD Subpolar Temperate Tropical chaparral grassland desert scrubland tropical seasonal forest savannah desert DRY