Angiosperms & Gymnosperms

Life Science - Middle School

Deciduous (leafy) trees are flowering plants in a group called angiosperms. This means “protected seed” because a fruit, like an apple, forms a protective covering for the seeds. This group also includes flowering plants and grasses. When an apple tree or any flowering plant blooms, pollen from the male part of the plant called the stamen is moved by insects, birds or the wind to a female flower part called the pistil. The eggs inside the pistil are fertilized by the sperm inside the pollen, and seeds form surrounded by the fleshy fruit. Angiosperm fruits include apples, raspberries, acorns, maple seeds, wheat seeds and even dandelion seeds attached to fluffy parachutes. A fruit can drop to the ground and the seeds sprout right under the parent plant, or they can be moved by the wind, or animals can eat the fruit and deposit the seeds somewhere else in their scat. This is called seed dispersal. When the seeds find soil, water and sunlight, the life cycle begins again. Coniferous trees are nonflowering plants in a group called gymnosperms. This means “naked seed” because, unlike a flowering plant, the seeds of pine trees are not inside a protective, fleshy fruit like an apple. A pine tree’s seeds are out in the air attached to a pinecone. This helps during pollination when pollen is blown into the pinecone by the wind. Once the pine seeds are fertilized, they will grow and then drop to the ground. An animal, like a squirrel, may take the pinecone apart to eat the seeds. Many seeds will fall to the ground. When the seeds find soil, water and sunlight, the life cycle begins again. wind and insect pollination wind pollination animal seed dispersal animal seed dispersal sprouting seeds begin life cycle again sprouting seeds begin life cycle again Gymnosperm “naked seed” pinecone Angiosperm “protected seed” fruit covering Angiosperms & Gymnosperms
Deciduous (leafy) trees are flowering plants in a group called angiosperms. This means “______________________ _________________” because a fruit, like an apple, forms a protective covering for the seeds. This group also includes flowering plants and _______________________. When an apple tree or any flowering plant blooms, ___________________ from the male part of the plant called the __________________ is moved by insects, birds or the wind to a female flower part called the ___________________. The ______________ inside the pistil are fertilized by the sperm inside the pollen, and _______________________ form surrounded by the fleshy fruit. Angiosperm fruits include apples, raspberries, acorns, maple seeds, wheat seeds and even dandelion seeds attached to fluffy parachutes. A fruit can drop to the ground and the seeds sprout right under the parent plant, or they can be moved by the ________________, or animals can eat the fruit and deposit the seeds somewhere else in their scat. This is called seed __________________________. When the seeds find soil, water and sunlight, the life cycle begins again. Coniferous trees are nonflowering plants in a group called gymnosperms. This means “___________________ _________________” because, unlike a flowering plant, the seeds of pine trees are not inside a protective, fleshy fruit like an apple. A pine tree’s seeds are out in the air attached to a ___________________________________. This helps during pollination when ____________________ is blown into the pinecone by the wind. Once the pine seeds are fertilized, they will grow and then drop to the ground. An animal, like a squirrel, may take the pinecone apart to eat the seeds. Many seeds will fall to the ground. When the seeds find soil, water and sunlight, the life cycle begins again. wind and insect pollination wind pollination animal seed dispersal animal seed dispersal sprouting seeds begin life cycle again sprouting seeds begin life cycle again Gymnosperm “naked seed” pinecone Angiosperm “protected seed” fruit covering 94-4044 Angiosperms & Gymnosperms