X-Marks the Spot

English Language Arts, Grade 7

© Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 93-6120 www.newpathlearning.com X-Marks the Spot Purpose Book Title _______________________________________ The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech Reading Comprehension: Reading Comprehension: VOCABULARY VOCABULARY
Purpose: Primary Examples Intermediate Examples Book Title:_____________________________________ Book Title:________________________________________ The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Word: antonym root word synonym part of speech The Quilt Story by Tony Johnston Because of Winn Dixie by Kate Dicamillo unpacked pack remove pack verb stuffing stuff filling emptiness noun valuable prideful retriever exception value treasured cheap adjective pride superior, haughty, arrogant humble adjective retrieve hunting dog noun except a complaint, a protest, a challenge agreement noun © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 93-6120 www.newpathlearning.com X Marks the Spot