What is this author ‘s position on the topic? Water pollution leads to decline of freshwater resources. State this author’s position on the same topic. Human activity has lead to water pollution. What facts are used? U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a report that states more than half of our country’s streams and rivers are severely polluted, or listed as “impaired” or in “poor condition.” What facts are used? The Industrial Revolution has negatively impacted our water on earth. Before this time, people lived more in harmony with the environment. What figures are used? In 2004, the US government assessed that 45% of the country’s rivers and streams were listed as impaired. What figures are used? A plastic bottle can survive an estimated 450 years in the ocean. What evidence is used? Due to an algae outbreak in Florida's Santa Fe River people couldn’t swim, fish or drink water near the river. What evidence is used? Anyone who visits a river, lake, or beach can see plastic bottles, sediment and paper floating. What reasons are given? The availability of freshwater is being challenged due to global warming. What reasons are given? The three major contributors to water pollution are waste, chemicals and sewage. COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit www.newpathlearning.com for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4449 Claim Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Author One Author Two Georg e Washington George Washington How do good readers analyze two different authors claims about the same topic?
COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit www.newpathlearning.com for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4449 Claim Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Author One _________________ Author Two _________________ Can you analyze two authors claims about the same topic?