Identifying Conflict in a Text

English Language Arts, Grade 6

Character vs. Character Character vs. Self the main character has a problem with another character an internal conflict when the main character has a problem with him/herself Character vs. Society the main character or main group of characters has a problem with social traditions or institutions Character vs. Nature the main character has a problem with nature Character vs. Destiny the main character has a problem with a predetermined path that has been chosen for her or him Character vs. Technology the main character has a problem with technological advancements or artificial intelligence Character vs.Supernatural the main character has a problem with supernatural beings like ghosts, monsters or demons COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright MMXIII NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4378 How do readers identify conflict in literature?
Character’s Name vs. ? COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright MMXIII NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4378 Can you identify conflict in literature?