Comparing & Contrasting Points of View

English Language Arts, Grade 4

Third Person Limited Third Person Omniscient TYPES OF NARRATORS First Person The narrator is telling the story, using words like “I,” “Me,” “W e,” and “Us.” Objective Second Person The narrator speaks directly to the reader. The narrator is not a character in the story but explains the character's thoughts and feelings. The narrator has an outside voice. The narrator knows everything about all the characters, is all knowing, or omniscient. With the objective point of view, the writer tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story's action and dialogue. The narrator never discloses anything about what the characters think or feel, remaining a detached observer. COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright MMXIII NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4353 How do readers compare and contrast the point of view using narration?
COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright MMXIII NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4353 Can you compare and contrast the point of view using narration?