
English Language Arts, Grade 3

Syllables are the parts of a word that have one vowel sound. There may be more than one vowel, but you only hear one sound. There are one-syllable words such as: cave ten sick toast they It is important to know about syllables. When you come to a long word you don’t know, you can break it into syllables. That will help you to decode it. When you read a word, you can figure out how many syllables it has. Tap your finger each time you hear a new vowel sound. How many syllables are in these words? foun-da-tion route force-ful re-cy-cling There are two-syllable words such as: black-bird sleep-ing bot-tle help-ful crys-tal There are three-syllable words such as: ba-nan-a el-e-phant In-ter-net plen-ti-ful mys-ter-y There are four-syllable words such as: grad-u-a-tion ed-u-ca-tion in-ter-esting com-mu-ni-ty 10 F 96 98 100 102 104 106 Soda Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 92-4016 Syllables
How many syllables are in each word? Say each one aloud and tap your finger. 1. blueberry _______ 2. boredom _______ 3. through _______ 4. journal _______ 5. umbrella _______ 6. orange _______ 7. experiment _______ 8. hungry _______ 9. fireworks _______ 10. strength _______ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Syllables Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 92-4016