They connect with ideas... Cowboys ride horses, wear boots and use lassos. They relate to cultural perspectives... What is the southwest like? They reflect on personal events... I rode a horse and I used a jump rope as a whip. They think of alike situations... I saw a movie where the cowboys were fighting aliens. They determine their own point of view... Do I believe Pecos Bill could use a snake as a lasso or ride a tornado? The Legend of Pecos Bill How do readers make personal connections to text? COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright MMXIII NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4323
Connect with ideas... Relate to cultural perspectives... Reflect on personal events... Think of alike situations... Determine your own point of view... Can you make personal connections to text? COMMON CORE: COMMON CORE: STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright MMXIII NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 91-4323 Name of the text: ________________________________________