States of Matter - Solids

Chemistry - High School

States of Matter: Solids States of Matter Matter can exist in three different physical forms—solid, liquid or gas. We are all familiar with the forms of water—ice, liquid water and steam. These different forms are called the states of matter. The particles within matter interact with each other in different ways and determine if the matter is a solid, liquid or gas. 1 cup 1 2 11 solid liquid gas ice water steam type of solid examples crystalline amorphous salt, quartz glass, rubber regular, repeated pa ern precise random not precise particle arrangement melting point type of solid examples crystalline amorphous salt, quartz glass, rubber regular, repeated pa ern precise random not precise particle arrangement melting point type of solid examples crystalline amorphous salt, quartz glass, rubber regular, repeated pa ern precise random not precise particle arrangement melting point Solids Solid matter has a definite shape and volume . Think about a bowling ball. You can pick it up, move it and drop it, and the shape always remains the same. The ball is a solid . The particles that make up a solid are packed tightly together in a fixed position. The particles themselves vibrate, but they do not move out of position. Crystalline & Am orphous Solids Solids can be classified as crystalline or amorphous . In crystalline solids , such as quartz or salt, the particles have a regular repeated pattern and a definite geometric shape . When crystalline solids are heated, they have a precise melting point . Amorphous solids, such as glass and rubber, are made up of particles that are arranged randomly , and they do not have a precise melting point. amorphous solid crystalline solid © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4829 Visit for Online Learning Resources.
type of solid examples crystalline amorphous salt, quartz glass, rubber regular, repeated pa ern precise random not precise particle arrangement melting point type of solid examples crystalline amorphous salt, quartz glass, rubber regular, repeated pa ern precise random not precise particle arrangement melting point Pause and Review Identify and describe the three states of matter. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4829 Visit for Online Learning Resources. States of Matter: Solids type of solid examples crystalline amorphous salt, quartz glass, rubber regular, repeated pa ern precise random not precise particle arrangement melting point Complete the chart for types of solids. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________