Earthquake Safety

Earth Science - High School

Earthquake Safety


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Table Of Contents: Earthquake Safety

1. Potential Earthquake Destruction
The length and intensity of an earthquake determine the amount of destruction it can cause. Landslides, tsunamis and shifting ground caused by strong earthquakes can result in significant damage to buildings, highways and city infrastructures.
2. Risk of Earthquake
Scientists predict the risk of future earthquakes by studying the locations of faults and analyzing the information from past earthquakes. Some places such as the western coast of the United States are at higher risk for earthquake activity than other locations.
3. Safer Buildings in Earthquake Zones
Buildings in earthquake-prone locations are constructed to better withstand the motion caused by seismic waves. Steel cross braces, flexible pipes, and shock absorbers are some of the technologies being used.
4. Individual Safety During an Earthquake
If an earthquake occurs and you are inside a building, crouch under a table or doorway away from outer walls, and cover your head and neck. If you are outside, go to an open area that is away from power lines and buildings, and lie face down.