What is Matter?

Chemistry - High School

50 60 70 80 90 100 40 30 20 10 Physical properties 1 - can be observed 2 - can be measured 3 - composition does not change Pure Cane SUGAR SUGAR 1 cup 1 2 salt sugar water NaClC12H22O11 H2O iron + oxygen rust © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4825 Visit www.newpathlearning.com for Online Learning Resources. wood changes to smoke & ash Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Everything around us that we can see, smell or touch is made up of matter. Even many things that we cannot see, smell or touch are matter. Living and nonliving things are made of matter, including our clothing, the food we eat, and even the air we breathe. measuring matter fossil fuels Reactivity Flammability Chemical Properties of Matter A chemical property of matter describes the ability of the matter to react to other substances and change into different substances. Reactivity and flammability are both chemical properties. A chemical property of iron is that it reacts with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide, or rust. Wood is flammable, and if it is burned, it will change to ash and smoke. Another example is the flammability of fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide gases when they are burned. Physical Properties of Matter Matter can be described as having physical and chemical properties. A physical property of matter is a property that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the matter. Some examples of physical properties include color, texture, flexibility, density, mass, and magnetism. The states of matter, solid, liquid or gas, are also physical properties. Matter and Substances A substance is a type of matter that is pure and has a specific chemical makeup. For example, salt, sugar, and water are all substances with precise chemical compositions. Although there are numerous examples of pure substances, most of the matter around us is made up of many substances. Just think of all the substances and ingredients found in the foods we eat every day. What is Matter?
What is Matter? magnetite: wood: coffee: physical properties ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ physical properties ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ physical properties ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ chemical properties ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ chemical properties ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ chemical properties ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4825 Visit www.newpathlearning.com for Online Learning Resources. Pause and Review List properties of each of these types of matter. Identify whether they are chemical or physical properties.